The Leased Housing Department, more commonly referred to as Section 8, offers rental assistance to over 2,600 participants. Rental assistance programs under this umbrella include, but aren’t limited to, the following: Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Project Based Vouchers (PBV) Mainstream Vouchers (MSV) Moderate Rehabilitation Program (Mod-Rehab) Our Leased Housing staff is experienced and knowledgeable with an average of 19.5 years employed at the PHA and an average of 15 years within the department.
The Application Process There are several steps in the PHA Public Housing application process, as outlined below. Submit an Application: As of 2020, the PHA only accepts applications via their online application portal. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming length of our current wait list for public housing and project based housing, the PHA closed its wait list at 12am on Oct 1, 2020 and nearly all public housing waitlists remain closed.
The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) waiting list re-opened in June of 2019 through the state-wide online portal. It remains open to all applicants through the state-wide central wait list. To be placed on our Section 8 waiting list, go to