Language Access

For Limited English Proficiency Persons (LEP) Language can be a barrier to accessing important benefits or services, understanding and exercising important rights, complying with applicable responsibilities, or understanding other information provided by the Providence Housing Authority (PHA). LEP persons are defined as persons who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English. The PHA offers competent interpretation services free of charge, upon request, to LEP applicants, public housing residents, Section 8 participants, and other participants in PHA programs.

Reasonable Accommodations

The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) does not discriminate against applicants, residents, or program participants on the basis of physical or mental disabilities.  In addition, the PHA has an obligation to provide “reasonable accommodations” and “reasonable modifications” on account of a disability if an applicant, resident, program participant or a household member is limited by the disability and for this reason needs such an accommodation or modification.

Non-Discrimination Civil Rights

The Providence Housing Authority (PHA) administers all aspects of its housing programs without regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, religion, familial status, veteran status, ancestry, age, genetic information, source of income, disability or handicap.   The PHA operates its housing programs in compliance with federal, state, and local statutes.
