Skills for RI’s Future (SkillsRI) works to close the workforce skills gap in RI, drive business growth, and move unemployed/underemployed Rhode Islanders into open positions. SkillsRI provides workforce services that meet the demands of local employers, fostering talent development while helping Rhode Islanders achieve upward mobility. The agency hosts Skills Academy, an online learning hub for Rhode Islanders looking to build and gain new skills that will help them succeed in today’s dynamic workforce. Call (401) 680-5960 or visit the agency’s website at for more information.
Dorcas International Institute is the leader of the Greater Providence Adult Education Consortium, and along with partner agencies — the Center for Southeast Asians (CSEA), the Community Action Partnership of Providence (CAPP), the Environmental Justice League (EJ League), Goodwill Industries of Rhode Island, and the Scalabrini Dukcevich Center (SDC) — the agency offers classes for learning English and American culture, industry-specific job training, GED, and more. Each course engages students at whatever level they are currently at with their English speaking, listening, and reading skills. Call (401) 784-8600 or email for more information.
The Genesis Center serves individuals in adult education and workforce development and children in its childcare program. The Center’s adult education classes and occupational/job skills training enable people to improve their employment skills, pay scales, and prospects for promotion. Its on-site a 5-star BrightStars Early Learning Center allows families to learn and work, knowing that their children are being cared for in a high-quality environment that emphasizes a whole-family approach to education. Call (401) 781-6110 for more information.
RI Legal Service – Employment Opportunity Legal Corps Initiative helps secure jobs for disadvantaged individuals by removing legal barriers to employment. Services include expungement of criminal records, the reinstatement of driver’s licenses needed to secure or travel to a job, assistance to obtain an occupational license or prevent the loss of an occupational license, repair a poor credit report that is preventing employment; and assistance connecting clients with job skills and job seeking services after the barrier to employment has been removed. Call (401) 274-2652 for more information.
The RI Department of Labor and Training administers the Unemployment Compensation Program and provides access to job seeker resources. Call (401) 415-6772 or Hearing-Impaired Relay at 711 or visit the agency’s website at for more information.