Dexter Manor I, built in 1962, is a 10-story elderly/disabled high-rise building located on the edge of the city’s Downtown neighborhood. In 1984 a new wing was added to the building containing an additional 91 units of elderly/disabled housing and the PHA’s Administrative Offices. Although the newer wing is technically a separate development named Dexter Manor II, the two are usually referred to collectively as Dexter Manor.

The first two floors of Dexter Manor II house the Offices of the Executive Director and the Departments of Property Management, Leased Housing, Finance, and Strategy and Development. The Resident Services and Property Management office serving residents of the building is located in Dexter I. In addition to these offices, Dexter Manor has a community room, computer lab, and laundry room for residents.

It is important to note that this site does have security staff and the Providence Police Department assigns a special security force to patrol all PHA developments.

Management Contact Information:

Lori Lovelace
100 Broad Street, Providence, RI 02903

