The Providence Housing Authority | Project Based Vouchers (PBV)
Project Based Vouchers (PBV)
Project-based vouchers (PBVs) are part of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Although most Housing Choice Vouchers are “tenant-based,” meaning people can use them to rent any private apartment that meets program guidelines, housing authorities are allowed to project-base a portion of their vouchers, and PHA has a PBV program. PBV vouchers are assigned to a specific unit for a period of up to 20 years through a contract with the landlord. Families who apply to the PHA for the PBV program are placed on the PHA’s PBV wait list. Families are referred to the PBV landlord from the PBV waiting list for a specific unit. When the family moves from the PBV unit, the voucher remains with the unit.